Our Team

Meet Our Senior Team:

Christine Dalglish

Christine Dalglish

Vice President of Operations, Responsive Health Management Inc.

Email: chris.dalglish@responsivehealth.ca

Tel: 416-960-3445 ext. 7705

Michael Shane

Interim Executive Director

Email: michael.shane@responsivehealth.ca

Tel: 416-536-1116 ext. 3224

Canisha Bethel

Canisha Bethel

Director of Care

Email: cbethel@oneillcentre.ca

Tel: 416-536-1116 ext. 3237

Meet The Rest Of Our Team:

Mila Young

Mila Young

Food Service Manager

Email: myoung@oneillcentre.ca
Tel: 416-536-1116 ext. 3232

Mathusana Gnanasegaram

Mathusana Gnanasegaram

Programs Manager

Email: mgnanasegaram@oneillcentre.ca
Tel: 416-536-1116 ext. 3236

Goretti Araujo

Sara Moniz

Environmental Services Manager

Email: smoniz@oneillcentre.ca
Tel: 416-536-1116 ext. 3231

Candice Hubbard-Boldin

Temp. IPAC Manager

Email: chubbard@oneillcentre.ca
Tel: 416-536-1116 ext. 3238